Counseling Skills and Relationship Dynamics Training

(Level 1 and 2) – Therapy based in meditation

This training outlines the principles of therapy that is based in meditation. It gives therapists and those in the helping professions — or those who plan to work there — a chance to enhance their skills and broaden their approach. In Osho’s vision, we use therapy to clear the ground for moving more deeply into meditation. This helps us break out of identification with the mind into a state of relaxation and alertness.

On a training level, participants will learn how to respond to the needs of the client’s inner being and to distinguish between individuality and personality. The art of session-giving consists not only in understanding the root of a problem, but also in knowing how to balance confronting a person’s defenses with nourishing his essence. When this is achieved, insights from a session can be integrated easily and the therapist becomes more of a friend than a guide.
As there will be a continuous exchange of sessions under supervision, participants will also have the opportunity to crystallise and dissolve personal problems around life issues such as relationship, work and meditation.

Even though we will teach certain techniques, like Gestalt work, our approach will not be technique-oriented. So everyone will be able to apply his new skills and insights to a wide range of different sessions and situations wherever he or she is in a position of helping people. Real transformation and healing happens not from what we do so much as through our ability to remain present and loving.

We will cover the following topics:
• Communication skills that support self-awareness
• Finding presence in oneself and supporting such states in a client
• How and when to encourage emotional expression
• Recognising and working with projection, resistance and desire
• Estimating what could transpire during a session
• Responding to different clients with flexibility
• Understanding the dynamics of relationship and the principles of healthy relating
• Working with and balancing the polarity between inner-man and inner-woman

In the second level of this training we focus more on dicovering the true nature of our inner male and female energy and what would help them to find their authentic expression in work, and in life in general.

This training is for people who already work with people in some way or have sufficient previous therapy experience.

Interview required!